Friday, November 27, 2015

// thankful //

I know, I know.

It's the day after Thanksgiving.

Otherwise known as... Black Friday. I once knew why 'Black' Friday, but have forgotten. It doesn't matter. My inherent dislike for it makes it dark enough. The crowds! The people that make up the crowds! The buying. I just have no love for it whatsoever. I went once and once was enough.

But anyways, today, in the shower, I came to a new appreciation for the thing for which I'm more thankful than any other. Not a thing, but a person. Without whom I wouldn't have all the other things I take way too for granted.

That is Jesus.

Even in my thankfulness I know I take Him far too for granted as well. But as I was thinking in the shower(the best place to think) it struck me how no matter who you are, He sees you exactly for what you are. No pretense, no pretending. He knows everything about you. You don't have to try to keep up appearances, because it's no use, even if sometimes you can convince yourself it is.

Knowing He sees you for exactly who you are is scary. Awe-full actually. But also extremely comforting. Because in the long run, He is the only one who's opinion really matters, and His love was enough for him to die for me. And it's enough to keep me. And grow me in Him.

So even if sometimes trying to live so that others are happy with you (or at least not too weirded out;) can get a little weary-and I know we all do it- take peace from the knowledge that, good or bad, Jesus knows who you really are. And loves you anyways. And the only reason to change is so that you are more like Him.

I don't want this to seem like a lovey, 'be yourself' post, because that's not really what I'm talking about. Or a 'do whatever you want to be authentic' post. Because no to that too.

I mean rest confident in who you are- in Jesus.

I hope this is a good reminder for you. It was for me on a hard day.

Happy (late) Thanksgiving!!!

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