about me

A little about me...

I'm a Christian
Teenage girl, living in Maine.
I love to sing
draw and paint
and learn
about many things.
are among my top interests in scholarly areas.

I serve a Creator, and as His Image-bearing creation, I want to create things that are beautiful and skillful and true, things that show life and lift the viewers/readers/listeners to higher feeling and thoughts, ultimately to their betterment and drawing them to my God. These things (the arts) are the areas in which He has given me gifting and love.

And I believe that His will is for me to use these talents, such as they are to glorify Him and in so doing show His truth with the world, and to bless others. How? In what way does He want me to serve Him best? Well, of that I am not yet totally sure. But my desire is to try, day by day, to find out.

It is in the pursuit of acting on this desire that I've started this blog.

I'm naturally one who tends more to thoughts than feelings, though my feelings are strong. They stay down inside my torso and only lately am I letting them out of that cage more often. Sometimes I've felt that because I often think of things rationally instead of seeing things beautifully that I don't have the artists mind that I long for. But I'm finding(in everything, in fact) that how you see things is something you can choose. If I don't look at a tree and see it's beauty at first, I'm starting to try to THINK about it instead. And everything is becoming so much more wondrous this way.

And I really want to hear from readers. Drop me a comment on any post, I'd love to talk.

I hope you are blessed by what you find here.

my testimony

other places I can be found-

La Nina, my other blog which is much more lighthearted. I put random things on there, stories, art projects. My personality is sort of two sided and I think the two blogs reflect that. This blog is for my deeper thoughts, that one for fun.

my instagram

my twitter

This page will be updated from time to time as info changes or needs addition.

Some blogs I enjoy:    


Argonaut Nation

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Thank you for adding your thoughts- please keep them clean and respectful and if possible uplifting. If you have a difference in belief or opinion you'd like to discuss, I'd be happy to, but again, I request you refrain from bad language or similar offensive messages. Thank you.