Monday, February 1, 2016

// to be led //

What I'm learning is that to be led by God will not mean static waiting for some invisible and mysterious sign or a voice to illuminate a perfect path. Being led by someone implies movement. And, that you don't nessecarily know where you're going, but that you're trusting someone with better vision than you to take you where you need to be. That isn't even always where you think, or want, to be going. But when you're trusting someone who loves you, you know that they want and will do what's best for you.

Submitting to Christs leading and will, won't mean sitting and waiting. At last I'm realizing this! It will mean moving forward with new freedom, for he will work all out for good. You have to be obedient to scriptural commands and prayerfully trying to make good descisions. But if you make a mistake- listen.

 You can't ruin Gods plan. You might be able to mess it up, humanly speaking, but in the end, the goal is Christlikeness and Heavens glory. On earth, perfection can't happen, until you accept what to you might seem bad. But when you trust in Christ, then and only then imperfect earthly life can be perfected.

This is something I'm thinking about lately, and you'll probably hear more about it. Do you as a reader prefer strictly this sort of thing, or do you like some poetic and project variety? Because I was thinking about doing some style posts, most specifically a Valentine's Day makeup look. Let me know what you think!!


  1. This is a very interesting post!! I have definitely learned that sitting and waiting will not do anything good for me. Serving Him and getting busy with the things of God will make me think not of myself, but of others.

    1. Thank you! I'm so easily paralyzed by the fear of doing something wrong, or of having to stretch myself. It's just a matter of what's really more important- my pride and fear, or God and others. <3

  2. Oh, and I think you should write whatever you feel like, all of your stuff is so interesting and thought-provoking

    1. Aw! Thanks. I like variety so I think I'll just stick to randomosity.

  3. That is a really good point.
    Variety is always great, and a makeup look would be fun!

    1. Thanks! Awesome, I'll probably get that done in the next week so it will be here in time for valentines:)

  4. I think you are absolutely right! One way I've heard it described is that we have be willing to go to the edge of the light and then step into the darkness a little bit instead of forever standing still waiting for light to come. I think sometimes we can be led more directly of course, but it's a lot more common for Him to give us the opportunity to grow by making a decision and allowing him to confirm it (or not to confirm it! Then we have to try again). I think maybe CS Lewis might say it is because He is making servants out of us-not slaves. Thanks for the post-I always enjoy reading your thoughts on things! Oh and I think the makeup tutorial would be awesome as well. I really like that you share all kinds of things on this blog because it makes it lets us get to know you more which is great:)

    1. Yes, we have to be willing to 'let go and let God.'! I agree, I think there are times we will know exactly what we are supposed to do- sometimes by how much WE don't want to do it. YES exactly. To many people wait on some sign and never do anything, when what we should do is move forward and see what happens. C.S Lewis <3 Thank you! I like reading them myself, I sometimes understand them better when I read them XD Two votes- it's happening. Aw that's great to hear, thank you <3


Thank you for adding your thoughts- please keep them clean and respectful and if possible uplifting. If you have a difference in belief or opinion you'd like to discuss, I'd be happy to, but again, I request you refrain from bad language or similar offensive messages. Thank you.