Wednesday, August 17, 2016

// howdy howdy //

hello ducks
I know I'm a lame excuse of an AWOL blogger but Shandi just wrote a thing and it is a true and wonderful thing. so go read it.

does anyone have any suggestions for a post or anything like that because I really want to get back into blogging but I need a push. please?? thanks.

also I'm sorry that was a weird way of saying basically everything I just said. Just trying to be authentic, I'ma hipster remember?? ;)


  1. I would love to see you make a playlist!
    Or a post all about your art!!

    1. An art post is coming soon- maybe I will make a playlist sometime soon too! Someone else mentioned doing a music post too, so I may combine them. Thanks <3


Thank you for adding your thoughts- please keep them clean and respectful and if possible uplifting. If you have a difference in belief or opinion you'd like to discuss, I'd be happy to, but again, I request you refrain from bad language or similar offensive messages. Thank you.