Wednesday, September 27, 2017

//in which the missing blogger magically reappears//


I am so sorry I've been gone for so long. I went to Europe this spring (!) Kentucky/the midwest this summer (!)  and am only now getting back into the swing of things. I think I want to try to get this blog up and running again, although I'm not 100% sure where I want to go with it. I would love to hear from you- what have you liked on my blog previously (As in, the far back, mist obscured past when I actually used to post)? What are some new things you think it would do me good to tackle? I've missed you, readers and I feel I've missed so much content on other peoples blogs, as well. Oh well- I can't catch up with all of those so I will just try to keep up better going forward. So, if you'll bear with me, I'm going to mess around on here again (hopefully), try to get posting again (possibly) and try to produce some content that might bless/give enjoyment to readers.  Xx Nina


  1. I'm so unbelievably envious that you got to go to England! That is fantastic. <3
    By the way, I'm Amelia, a fellow Christian blogger who is so excited for you to get back into blogging! I just love your name. ;D

  2. Traveling sounds amazing! I have always wanted to go to Europe. I say post whatever is on your heart! Whatever inspires you is sure to inspire others - art, thoughts, travel, etc. Welcome back! :) <3

    1. I adored Europe and I can't wait go back- hopefully sooner rather than later! And thank you so much- that's really true and sometimes you just need to be reminded, you know? Thanks Xx nina


Thank you for adding your thoughts- please keep them clean and respectful and if possible uplifting. If you have a difference in belief or opinion you'd like to discuss, I'd be happy to, but again, I request you refrain from bad language or similar offensive messages. Thank you.